Yuva Blog

How Old is My Kilim Rug?

How Old is My Kilim Rug?

One of the best things about buying a one of a kind kilim rug is that age is likely to retain and in some cases, increase their value over time. This is something that is untrue for almost any other purchase for the home! Age however will not make up for a poorly designed, dyed and woven kilim—a poor quality rug which is 100 years...

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How to Stop Your Rug From Slipping

How to Stop Your Rug From Slipping

It is very easy if you have the correct underlay. A new product just released called GILTGRIP® Rug Grip does a great job and I stock it. This replaces the sticky blue underlay that many of you will be familiar with. Properly installed, it is guaranteed not to mark, stain, oxidize or discolour, finished and maintained floors and carpeting Works on carpetingThe white side will...

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The Making of an Overdyed Patchwork Rug

The Making of an Overdyed Patchwork Rug

Vintage Overdyed Patchwork Rugs are created using fragments & pieces of old knotted pile rugs which have been previously overdyed. Because of this, they can be made to any size or shape specification. The pieces are cut into mostly squares & rectangles of varying sizes before being laid out on a table to begin to form the design of the new rug. This is not...

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